How to track DTDC Courier
How to track the consignment from DTDC Courier
You can track DTDC consignment on-line or via e-mail or SMS, which ever option is convenient for you.
DTDC Web Tracker
DTDC Web Tracker is Web based shipment tracking Solution which is generally suitable for low volume and non frequent customer. No software installation is required to track the shipment. Any system connected with Internet will be enough to track the shipment. Maximum of 25 consignments, separated by comma can be tracked at a time.
Customer can track the shipment using DTDC Consignment No. or corresponding Reference No.
Below is the link to DTDC Web Tracker
DTDC Sms Tracker
DTDC SMS Tracker is a SMS-based solution wherein our customer can avail multiple services just by sending the predefined keywords to a designated mobile number. Services such as Consignment Tracking (Domestic & International), Pin-code serviceability and City serviceability are provided through SMS Tracker:
To Track your Shipment Type ‘DTDC<space>Consignment Number’ and send SMS to 9845324040 (Example: DTDC B22399923).
To Check pin-code, Type ‘PIN<space>Pin Code’ and send SMS to 9845324040 (Example: PIN 700019).
To Check Serviceable City, Type ‘CITY<space>City Name’ and send SMS to 9845324040 (Example: CITY Agra).
Note: The City and Pin-code serviceability features will address whether DTDC has presence/ reach to the specified city/ pin-code for its Lite products. Serviceability does not imply availability of all products and services in the city/ pin-code.
Email Tracker
DTDC E-mail Tracker is an e-mail based solution for our customers to track their shipment.
Customers need to mention the set of shipments separated by comma in the body of the e-mail and send an e-mail to [email protected].
Latest status of these shipments will be provided to customer instantly through return mail.
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